FYI anyone trying to generate a “Domain Management” eval license, the back-end that creates the license file has been down for almost a week. You can send evals to your customers, fill out the information for the eval (IP Address, version, OS, etc) but what ends up happening is that no license file is generated for the UserCenter. The screenshot below shows you what this looks like, and anyone that works regularly with evals knows this does not look right.










You will still receive an email with the actual “cplic put” statement which can be used to ‘manually’ import the license after you remove the “[module name]” portion. You can also find the ‘cplic put’ statement in the User Center by selecting the eval license and choosing ‘Licensing Instructions’ (see below)











For example if you received the following:

cplic put [module name] 08Jan2014 dShqybfsi-7t6MpVvxz-VFqdbF2Eq-nrkz9tPWn CPSB-DMN-U CK-D83CCD36ECAF

Remove only the [module name] portion:

cplic put 08Jan2014 dShqybfsi-7t6MpVvxz-VFqdbF2Eq-nrkz9tPWn CPSB-DMN-U CK-D83CCD36ECAF


You can also use the .lic attachment that is emailed. For now it does look like the eval is emailed to the contact listed in the User Center.

CPSM evals generate just fine (and possibly others), so this might just be related to the ‘CPSB-DMNU000-EVAL-F’ licenses. I have a ticket open with Check Point to look into this, and will update when this is fixed.

Check Point’s DMN EVAL Generator Not Creating .lic Files in the User Center

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